Monday, November 3, 2008

Pao De Queijo

Ketemu resep ini dari blognya Yana, enak banget, crunchy at the outside, ad soft chewey in the inside. Cara bikinnya mirip bikin kue sus, gampang banget.


150 gr tepung sagu

90 gr susu cair

35 gr minyak sayur / aku pake butter yang dilelehkan

50 gr keju parmesan parut

1 butir telur

2 gr garam


1. Campur sagu dengan garam.

2. Rebus susu dan minyak sayur/butter sampai mendidih. Tuangkan kesagu, aduk rata, sampai kalis.
3. Tunggu sampai agak dingin, masukkan telur. Aduk rata, kemudiantambahkan keju parut. Aduk sampai rata. *aku nyoba pake mixer ...radamaksa tapi cepet nyampur*

4. Masukkan ke dalam kantong segitiga atau disendokkan.

Taruh bulat2xke atas loyang yang sudah diolesi margarin

5. Panggang selama 20-30 menit dengan suhu 190 derajat celcius, sampai warnanya kecoklatan.


  1. Hi there,

    Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and also sharing this recipe. Definitely, I'll try this out and let you know the result :)

  2. Hi Selba,

    Your welcome, let me know the result ok :-)

  3. Guess what? I made it just now and.... woohoooo!!! It's a big success, hehehe...

    Seriously, it's really yummy and turn out exactly like yours ;)

    Can't stop eating it! Left only 2 rolls right now, LOL

    Thank you.. thank you.... :D

  4. Hi Selba, I am so glad the recipe work for you because when I saw your Pao, I felt maybe the recipes isn't correct, so happy for you :)
