Saturday, January 3, 2009

Petite parmesan Choux pastry (sus kering)

This Choux pastry is different, it is more taste like cheese cookies, hollow in the middle of the cookies.


225 ml air (water)
100 gr margarine
110 tepung terigu (flour)
1 sdt baking powder ( 1 tsp Baking powder)
50 gr keju parmesan (optional) ( parmesan cheese)
3 butir telur ( 3 eggs)


1. masak air dan mentega hingga mendidih ( boiled water and margarine)
2. masukkan tepung terigu, aduk hingga kalis, angkat, dinginkan ( add flour, stir, till dissolved, let it cool)
3. masukkan telur satu persatu sambil dikocok hingga rata, masukkan baking powder(add egg one by one ,mixer till blend, add baking powder)
4. masukkan keju ( add parmesan cheese)
5. masukkan adonan kedalam plastik segitiga, semprotkan diatas loyang
yg sudah dioles mentega ( put the dough in to the pastry bag, piped them small size),

Baked 200 C, till golden yellow.

tips : bila sus kering kurang renyah, bisa dioven kembali setelah dingin

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