Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lapis legit / spekoek


Try this recipe today, a really nice recipe to keep :), the lapis legit really yummy.....
I found the recipes from here.

300g butter,
200g margarine,
3 Tbs sweetened condensed milk,
1 Tbs mixed spice (ground cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, and clove),
100g plain flour,
350g caster sugar,
30 egg yolks,
½ tsp vanilla

Beat the butter and margarine until fluffy and pale. Add in the sweetened condensed milk. Beat until well mixed. Beat the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla until thick and pale. Whisk in the butter mixture one spoon at a time, mix well. Fold in the sifted flour and spices, mix well. Prepare a square cake tin 22x22cm, line with greased and floured baking paper. Spoon the batter into the tin, 3 Tbs at a time, level the surface. Bake first layer (I use 180C, setting on bake function) until golden brown. Change the setting to grill (my oven 230C). Spoon in 3 Tbs batter on to the first layer, level. Bake under the grill for about 3 minutes or until the surface is golden brown. Remove and repeat the process until all batter is used. Remove from the oven and let cool on the wire rack.

Spekkoek [Lapis Legit]

Sumber: Kue-Kue Indonesia. Yasaboga. PT Gramedia Utama. Jakarta. 2007.

300g mentega,( aku pake 400 g butter)
200g margarin ( aku pake 100 g margarine)
3 sdM skm ( aku pake 2 sdm susu kental manis)
1 sdM bumbu lapis legit,
100g gula halus,
30 kuning telur( aku tambah 1 putih telor)
½ sdt vanili

Kocok mentega dan margarin sampai lembut dan warna lebih muda, campurkan susu kental, aduk rata, sisihkan. Kocok kuning telur, gula halus dan vanili sampai kental dan naik. Masukkan sebagian demi sebagian adonan mentega sambil diaduk rata, kemudian masukkan campuran tepung terigu, aduk rata. Siapkan loyang ukuran 22x22cm, alasi dengan kertas yang diolesi mentega dan ditaburi tepung. Tuang 3 sdM adonan, ratakan, panggang sampai kecolatan. Keluarkan dari oven, ratakan permukaannya dengan punggung sendok supay apadat. Tuang lagi kurleb 3sdM adonan di atasnya, panggang hingga kecoklatan dan matang. Begitu sterusnya sampai adonan habis. Panggang dengan api atas dan kecil saja. Angkat setelah matang, dinginkan.


  1. Your lapis legit is very neat and look delicious. So coincidence that I baked last week, however, not as nice as yours :)

  2. Thank you DG for your kind comment, try this recipe , it is really good.

  3. Oh wow! Beautiful! Your layers are so nice and even, mine were a bit crooked.
    Thks for visiting me!

  4. Hi Baking soda, thank you for you nice comment , I used this tools to make it even, you can see the picture in here,
