Friday, December 24, 2010

Durian Chiffon Cake

This is unusual I made this chiffon cake from Durian fruit for Christmas Eve , hope everyone will like it. Original recipe from here

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2011


Egg Yolk Batter:

6 egg yolks
150 ml. coconut milk
4 Tbsp. Corn oil
1/4 tsp. salt
150 gm. Durian Puree
1/4 tsp. durian essence
50 gm. caster sugar
140 gm. Plain flour

Egg White Foam:

6 egg white
1/4 tsp. Cream of Tartar
100 gm. Caster Sugar


(1) Mix all the egg yolk batter together. Stir till smooth.
(2) Whisk egg whisk till slightly forthy then gradually spoon in the sugar till finish. Whisk at high speed until forthy adn stiff peak form.
(3) Gently fold beaten egg white into egg yolk batter.
(4) Pour batter into a 22 cm. chiffon cake pan (I used 25 cm.). Bake at 175C for about 45 mins. or until cooked.
(5) Remove cake from oven and invert the pan onto a wire rack and leave it to cool completely.
(6) Remove cake from pan and serve.

**Recipe adapted from the book: "Chiffon Cake is Done" by Kevin Chai


  1. The chiffon is nicely baked. How is the cake taste? I've got the book, but a bit scared to bake this, cause afraid the taste of durian will change after bake.
    I would like to wish you and your family a Happy Merry Christmas & Happy New Year :)

  2. DG , the cake is taste nice however because I used frozen Durian,it isn't enough taste maybe next time I will use fresh Durian.
    The cake is too moist for me, maybe I have to reduce the amount of the oil or coconut milk for next time, anyway the cake taste good. Merry Christmas and A Happy New year to you too :)

  3. looks so yummy, i miss durian so much. btw, happy new year E4S :)

  4. Thank you for your nice comment, Happy New year to you too :)
