Friday, November 14, 2008

Cotton cake

Cotton Cake (untuk 2 loyang 30x20x4)

Bahan A:
550 gr putih telur
350 gr gula pasir

Bahan B:
15 btr kuning telur
3 btr telur utuh
220 gr susu segar
1 sdt vanilli

Bahan C
220 gr tepung terigu
180 gr mentega

Cara membuat:
1. siapkan 2 loyang ukuran 30x20x4, poles mentega, alasi dengan kertas roti, poles lagi dengan menteag.
2. kocok bahan A sampai kaku, sisihkan
3. Bahan B: panaskan susu, tidak boleh sampai mendidih, masukkan telur dan vanilli, aduk rata dgn balloon whisk.
4. Bahan C: lelehkan mentega, masukkan tepung sekaligus, aduk rata sehingga bisa menjadi adonan pasta
5. Satukan adonan B dan C, aduk rata, lalu beri sedikit demi sedikit adonan A sambil diaduk hingga rata dan menjadi adonan ringan
6. bagi adonan sama rata, satu bagian diberi pasta coklat dan moka, dan satu bagian tetap dibiarkan kuning. Tuang ke dalam loyang.
7. Panggang dgn cara steam bake, suhu -/+ 180’C selama 45 menit.


Missyshopalot said...

Hi hi..
Love your cotton cake.. but i'm just wondering if you have the recipe in english? :p

Everything4sweets said...

well , If you want I can translated for you :)

Anonymous said...

please can I have the translation of the recipe , I discover your blog for the first time but sure it will not be my last visit thnks for your help

Everything4sweets said...

Cotton Cake (for 2 bakingpans 30x20x4)

Ingredients A:
550 gr egg white
350 gr sugar

Ingredients B:
15 eggyolk
3 egg (yolk and white)
220 gr milk
1 tsp vanilla

Ingredients C:
220 gr flour
180 gr butter

1. for 2 bakingpans 30x20x4,
3. B ingredients:warm the milk, do not boiled the milk ( simmer only) add eggs and vanilla, blend it with whisk.
4. ingredients C: melt the butter, add all the flour, mix very well till looks like paste.
5. mix ingredients B and C together, add ingredients A litle by litle
6. divide the cake ingredient, give one with chocolate, and the other leave it yellow.
7. Bake au bain Marie, for 45 minutes 180’C

Monika said...

Panggang cara steam bake itu kaya apa ya?
Is it a setting that you can choose from the oven function? ato loyangnya direndam air?
Can you make this cake if you don't have steam oven?
Thank you

Everything4sweets said...

steam bake caranya bisa diliat disini,