Thursday, January 6, 2011

Melt in the mouth butter cookies

Original recipe from Cook.Bake.Love
This cookies really nice, soft, fragile and melt in the mouth.

125g butter, soften at room temperature (I used salted butter)
40g icing sugar
125g potato starch
80g superfine flour (can be replaced by plain flour)

1) Beat butter and icing sugar till fluffy and lighter in colour, sift in potato starch and flour, mix to form a soft dough.
2) Roll into small ball, arrange on lined baking pan and press lightly with a fork. Bake in preheated oven at 150C for 20 mins, upper rack (need not bake till cookies turn brown

1) I measured each cookie dough with ½ tbsp measuring spoon
2) To prevent cookie dough from sticking on fork, dip the fork in water before each use.

80g superfine flour (can be replaced by plain flour)

1) Beat butter and icing sugar till fluffy and lighter in colour, sift in potato starch and flour, mix to form a soft dough.
2) Roll into small ball, arrange on lined baking pan and press lightly with a fork. Bake in preheated oven at 150C for 20 mins, upper rack (need not bake till cookies turn brown).

1) I measured each cookie dough with ½ tbsp measuring spoon, made 62pcs. I think the size is just nice.
2) To prevent cookie dough from sticking on fork, dip the fork in water before each use

Sate lilit Bali and Sambal Matah

Original recipe from here and here

Recipe Sate Lilit Bali

* 250 gr shrimp – clean, deveined
* 250 gr mackerel – or any firm white flesh fillet
* 50 gr dessicated coconut
* 6 pcs kaffir lime leaves – thinly sliced
* 2 tbs sugar – can use any sugar, but coconut sugar is better
* red capsicum – tiny cubes for sprinkles
* bamboo skewers or fresh lemon grass may be used

Processed Ingredients:
* 8 pcs shallots
* 2 pcs garlic
* 2 cm galangal or blue ginger
* 2 cm kencur or lesser galangal
* 1 tsp coriander seeds
* 1 cm fresh turmeric
Mince all ingredients until they turn into a smooth paste. DO NOT FRY

Cooking Directions:
1.) Mix both fish & shrimp in food processor until smooth.
Mix in dessicated coconut. Add 3 tbs of thick coconut milk
2.) Add processed ingredients, mix well. Add salt & sugar to taste
3.) If the mixture is still too dry, you may add 1 egg white and a bit of olive oil
4.) Shape the mixture on sate sticks/lemongrass stalk, flatten slightly
5.) Charcoal grill sate until light brown and cooked through

Sambal Matah
source: Geoff's Menu


15 shallots, peeled and sliced in half length-way, then finely crosswise sliced
15 bird's eye chilies, sliced
4 cloves garlic, finely sliced
5 kaffir lime leaves, finely sliced
1 tsp roasted dried shrimp paste, finely grated
4 stalks lemon grass, only take the white and tender part, bruised and finely sliced
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp freshly ground black peppercorn
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice
75 ml oil

Combine all other ingredients and mix thoroughly for a couple of minutes before serving with Be Pasih Mepanggang and Sambal Tomat.

Bakwan Sayur

I forgot where I got this recipe, but it is a nice one.


300 gr tepung terigu

100 gr udang beku (udang kecil yang segar lebih bagus)

150 gr wortel (rajang atau potong sesuai selera)

150 gr kol (rajang halus)

1 butir telur

400 ml air

Bumbu halus

5 siung bawang putih

1 st merica

1 sm ebi (yang sudah disangrai/ dihaluskan)

1 ½ st garam

1 st gula pasir

Cara Membuat

1. Masukkan potongan wortel dan kol pada sebuah mangkok
berukuran sedang/besar dan tambahkan bumbu halus, telur, sedikit air,
dan jangan lupa ebinya (penambahan ebi akan memberikan cita rasa
tersendiri dan merupakan bumbu penyedap alami pada masakan). Aduk rata
sambil sedikit diremes-remes.


Proses 'peremesan' menyebabkan keluarnya juice atau sari dari sayuran
(wortel dan kol)

Ini mengakibatkan bercampurnya kimia bahan (sayuran) dan bumbu halus.
Bercampurnya secara "mesra" antara bumbu dan bahan merupakan salah
satu faktor penyumbang sedapnya masakan yang dihasilkan.

2. Masukkan udang, aduk rata (jangan diremes, nanti udangnya hancur)

3. Masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit (bergantian dengan air), aduk rata


Bakwan yang enak dan renyah dihasilkan dari adonan dengan kekentalan
yang sesuai, perhatikan adonan jangan terlalu encer atau jangan
terlalu pekat. Terlalu encer suatu adonan akan menghasilkan bakwan
yang terlalu lembek (dan akan menyerap banyak minyak), ini karena
rongga antar molekulnya di isi oleh minyak pada saat kita menggoreng,
Sedangkan bakwan yang berasal dari adonan terlalu pekat, akan
menyebabkan bakwan memiliki cita rasa seperti kurang matang saat

4. Ambil adonan dengan menggunakan centong sayur kecil dan
goreng dalam minyak dengan pemanasan yang sedang, hingga berwarna
kekuningan, angkat dan tiriskan.


Pemanasan merupakan faktor utama lainnya yang mempengaruhi cita rasa
masakan. Adonan yang digoreng dalam minyak terlalu panas, akan
menghasilkan bakwan dengan gosong atau matang diluar dan mentah di
dalam, sebaliknya pemanasan yang terlalu rendah akan menghasilkan
bakwan yang lembek (masuk minyak) dan tidak renyah. Jadi gunakan api
dengan pemanasan sedang.

5. Hidangkan bakwan selagi panas-panas, dengan cocolan sambal
Lampung (Indfood) bagi yang menyukai rasa pedas atau sweet and sour
sauce (saus Thailand).


Original recipe from here

I did some adjustment to the recipe, because I used whole wheat flour, I added more eggs, it seems 1 egg didn't hold the okonomiyaki.

1 cup flour (I used whole wheat flour)
3/4 cup dashi (or water)
1 egg
1/4 of a cabbage, about 2-3 cups packed (shredded)
1 carrot, about 1/2 cup (grated)
1 small zucchini, about 1 cup (grated)
1 green onion (chopped)
3 slices bacon
okonomiyaki sauce (or Worcestershire sauce)
green onion (chopped)

1. Mix the flour, dashi, egg, cabbage, carrot, zucchini and green onion in a large bowl.
2. Heat some oil in pan.
3. Pour in mixture and top with the bacon slices.
4. Cook on medium heat until golden brown on both sides, about 5-15 minutes per side.
5. Top with okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise and green onion and slice.

Whole Wheat Pancakes from Scratch

Original recipe from Canadian Living.
I added blackberries.



In large bowl, stir together all-purpose and whole wheat flours, sugar, baking powder and salt. In separate bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, vegetable oil and vanilla; pour over dry ingredients and stir just until moistened.

Heat large nonstick skillet or griddle over medium-high heat. Pour in 1/4 cup (50 mL) batter for each pancake; cook until bubbles break on top but do not fill in and bottoms are golden, 1-1/2 to 2 minutes. Turn and cook until golden on bottom, 1 minute. (Make-ahead: Layer between waxed paper and freeze in airtight container for up to 2 weeks.)